Santorini grape - Bodyfarm


The great value of grapes is well known since the Antiquity: Hippocrates called it “an elixir of youth” and he considered it as a panacea for the prevention and the treatment of every organic lesion. Grapes contain sugar, trace elements as well as the main vitamins of the B-complex, that are necessary for the good functioning of the body and the production of energy from food. However, the real treasure of grapes hides in their skin, and it is the polyphenols, some strong antioxidants whose effect is even stronger than that of vitamins E and C. Its rich properties protect the collagen and the elastin of the tissues and trap free radicals, which are formed in the atmosphere, causing the premature aging of cells, while  at the same time help the reconstruction of the skin.

Original catalog is here: Santorini Grape.

16 items total
Santorini grape Soap  BodyFarm Santorini grape Code: 07013
07001 SG shower gel Code: 07001
07016 SG body scrub Code: 07016
Santorini grape Body milk  BodyFarm Santorini grape Code: 07002
07003 SG body butter Code: 07003
07014 santorini grape gift box

Shower gel 250 ml + Body milk 250 ml

Code: 07014
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